About Us
Our Church
Covenant Apostolic
Ministries Int’l (CAMI),
is an Apostolic Ministry built and established upon the foundation of the Apostles and Prophets with the broad view of carrying out the following functions:
- Establish Assemblies locally and internationally for the purpose of worshipping, counselling and exercising Spiritual gifts and offices as spelt out in the Holy Scriptures.
- Preaching and teaching the gospel of our Lord Jesus Christ with prayers in accordance with the Holy Scriptures via open crusade, in-door revival, Radio/Television programmes, social media and pulpit ministrations through the established local and international Assemblies (Mk.16:15; 1 Cor.1:17; Rm.1:16).
- Publications of Scriptural Books, Magazines, Bulletins, tracts etc. Dissemination of the Word of God through Christian audio/or video cassettes (Ps.72:17).
- Establishment of Seminary College for Spiritual education and inculcating a Christian approved ways of life to CAMI’s members and workers of the Ministry (Col.3:16; Mtt.28:19-20; Titus 2:1-10; Jms.1:22; Rom.8:9; Gal.5:22-23; Eph.2:10; 1 Pet.2:12).
- Establishment of maternity homes and other relevant institutions that are in congruence with the vision of the Ministry.
- Caring for the Spiritual, physical and the social needs of members in line with the core vision of the ministry (Phil.2:4; Gal.6:2; 10; 1 Tim.5:8; 1 Jhn.3:17-18 & Prv.19:17).
- Promoting genuine Christ centered love and mutual respect among members, and maintain peace and sanity with all people, regardless of creed , belief and denomination, within the injunctions of the Holy Scriptures (Jhn.13:34-35; 15:12-13; Col.3:12-14; Rm.12:9-10).
- Function globally as a Living Church, the pillar and foundation of everything that is of truth, just, noble, right, pure to every member and also serve as a fountain of light in our operating social environment(s) (1Tim.3:15; Phil.4:8; Jhn.1:5).
Date Founded
1st October, 2000
Headquarter Location
12 Mustapha Hassan street,
Ahmadiyya Bus-stop,
Ijaiye Ojokoro,
Lagos State.
What does CAMI acronym means?
C – Covenant of Almighty God for us
A – Apostolic ways of life
M – Ministering to the lost souls
I – Internationally spreading the gospel of Jesus Christ
Our Organogram

Church Anthem
We are His people, sheep of His pastures
Chosen Generation
A royal priesthood, called to His glorious
Everlasting covenant
Made a disciple to live the apostolic way
Empowered to save the lost
By spreading the gospel of Christ
From Nigeria to the world
We present Covenant Apostolic Ministries International
Listen & Download the church anthem below
Our Vision
“To be an Overcomers Church and the True Channel
through which all souls shall return to God.”
Our Mission
“Pulling down strongholds, intercede and overcoming evils, trials and all challenges with the Name of Jesus through divine guidance.”
Our Core Values
- Passion for Goodness
- Soul Winning
- Eagerness for Holiness and Righteousness
- Faith-building through the Word and Obedience to the Word
- Caring and consideration for the well-being of others.