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The Church as we understand it from the Books of 1 Cor.12:27 and Eph.4:11-12 is the “Body of Christ” that is otherwise called the Household of God (Eph.2:19) or the “living” structure into which believers are built together whose cornerstone is Christ Jesus (Eph.2:20:20).

The term “Church” actually became popular right from the advent of Jesus, but before this time, the Israelites, otherwise called the descendants of Abraham had been the Household of God whom the Lord chosen as His inheritance (Jer.10:16).

In the Old Testament, God made a Covenant of blessing with His chosen people, the Israelites. He promised to bless them (Gen.15:18; Exo.19:5-6; 2 Sam.23:5) and for this covenant of blessing to be effective, the Lord expected them to obey His Law as given by Moses. As the Lord made the Covenant with the house of Abraham, He ratified it with the Blood. In that wise, an animal was sacrificed, and the house of Israel were made to walk between the pieces of the animal. Impliedly, the descendants of Abraham were saying that: “Let it happen to me as it has happened to this animal if I break this covenant.” This is called “Blood Covenant” (Gen.15:17-18; Jer.34:18-20; Exo.24:5-8).

Behold, the stubborn and the disobedient Israelites did not honor God’s covenant upon them. They infracted the Laws of God several times. They put the Lord one side and followed the counsels of their evil hearts. They became stiff-necked and did worse than their fathers. They committed many abominations in the sight of God and God became vexed (Jer.7:23-31; 32:30-35).

Along the line, the God of Israel made up His mind to annul the extant covenant that had been flagrantly dishonored by His chosen people, and in Jeremiah 31: 31-33, He considered an outright cancellation of the Covenant so that a better Covenant could be made, He said: “Behold, the days are coming, says the Lord, when I will make a new covenant with the house of Israel and with the house of Judah, not according to the covenant that I made with their fathers in the day that I took them by the hand to lead them out of the land of Egypt, my covenant which they broke. Though, I was a husband to them, says the Lord. But this is the covenant that I will make with the house of Israel after those days, says the Lord: I will put my law into their minds, and write it on their hearts and I will be their God, and they shall be my people”

Based on this new arrangement, God had now made the conditions of entering into this New Covenant significantly different to the Old one. In this new order, God promised to put his laws in the hearts of His chosen people, including all Nations and the future generation of people that believes in Him. In that regard, one would have been taught to know God before entering or coming into a relationship with God under the new covenant. In essence, one would have known God so intimately by being born again, and would have clearly been taught and known all that are necessary for obedience before he comes into the covenant relationship with God under the New Covenant!!!

Apparently, the fault in the former Covenant warranted all these!!! That is why Hebrews 8:7 says: “For if there had been nothing wrong with that first covenant, no place would have been sought for another!!!” If the Jews had not been stiff-necked, and if they had faithfully fulfilled their part of the first covenant, Jesus would not have come to the world and the second covenant would not have been in place.

However, this new Covenant came with a new Spirit. Under this new order, Jesus, the Lamb of God, according to Hebrews 9:15, is the “Mediator” or the “Surety.” In that capacity, He now stands between God and the Church. As the Old Covenant was confirmed by the shedding of the blood (Exo.24:8), so, the New Covenant was confirmed by the shedding of the Blood of the Lamb of God [Jesus]. The reality of this fact made Jesus at His last supper took the cup and said: “This is my blood of the new covenant which is shed for many. Assuredly, I will no longer drink of the fruit of the vine until that day when I drink it new in the Kingdom of  God (Mk.14:24-25; Lk.22:20).

According to Hebrews 8:8-12, the New Covenant is a covenant of Holy Spirit written in men’s hearts; and this is the more reason all original Ministers of God since the advent of Christ till now are regarded as “Ministers of a New Covenant,” not a covenant of letter, but of the Spirit (2 Cor.3:6).

Practically, this New Covenant gives us new spirit; and now, the Old Covenant that is rooted and sealed with blood of the animals is obsolete, and like the light of the candle, it’s now irrelevant and ineffective in the coming of Jesus Christ.

Therefore, if there be any gathering of people under the cloak of a “Church” that still operates upon the Old Covenant: if there be any structure that claims to have Jesus Christ as its cornerstone that still slaughters ram, fowl or any animal as a sacrifice for whatever reason(s), such is not a living structure of God nor a member of the New Covenant Church that has been redeemed by the Blood of Jesus!!!

Acceptance of the Christ is an admittance of the New Covenant, and this is the only sure way to eternity (Jhn.3:16).

Significantly, under this New Covenant, believers are given a new spirit by which we are enabled to overcome sin and recognized God, love God and obey God.

Aside, there are better promises in this new order: The promises to make believers and the Church a new creation on one hand, and on the other hand, the promise to reconcile the Church to God (2 Cor.5:17-19). Thus, as Christ is the Son of God, the New Covenant has automatically adopted us as Children of God through our belief in Jesus Christ. From thence onward, we have become overcomers, conquerors and champions through our faith in Jesus over sins, over demons, over principalities, sicknesses and all powers of the darkness (1 Jhn.5:4-5).

Not only that, no weapon fashioned against the Church can prosper (Isa.54:17), and no afflictions and pestilence, no Pandemic and disaster can come near us because the Blood of the New Covenant that was shed to seal-up the covenant has  prevailed on our behalf (Rev.12:11)!!!

It therefore baffles me to see believers running from pillar to post, seeking protection, and canvassing for help and survival during the time the siege of Covid-19 Pandemic was highest. Some, even till now still fear Coronavirus than they fear God. It would amaze you to hear that so many have totally deserted the Temple of the Living God of Covenant for the temples of idol and the altars of strange gods ever since then till now!!!

Remember, the God we serve is a God of Covenant. If He must reactivate His Covenant upon you and return to your life, your businesses and make you break new grounds after COVID-19 experience, you must rush back to Him with the heart of penitence in His hallowed Temple for forgiveness.

The Bible says: “If my people, who are called by my name will humble themselves and pray and seek my face and turn from their wicked ways, then will I hear from heaven and will forgive their sin and will heal their land” (2 Chro.7:14).

A contrite heart is what the Lord demand from you!!! Humility and repentance is God’s condition for your forgiveness. If you can do this, the Lord of Covenant shall return fully into your life and all those things that chases you around shall become history.

I heartily welcome you back to your Father’s house after a long while. The Lord shall surprise you, He shall settle you and shall give you a new story before this year expires IJMN!!!

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